Rob Reed Aug 30, 2013
Better known as Reddit Photoclass
By now, we have covered the technical side of operating a camera. Two important parts of image creation remain, and they will be the subject of the fifth and sixth parts of this course: post-processing and personal vision, respectively.
Post-processing refers here to everything that happens between the moment you are done shooting until the image has found its final destination (either in print or on the web). We will cover (very basic) photo editing concepts, but before that, let’s review the different steps usually involved in post-processing. This is what we call a workflow, which you can think of as a pipeline or a conveyor belt, each step taking the result from the previous task, modifying the image and giving it to the next task in line.
Now that you have a fair idea of which photos you want to work on, you can begin the image editing proper. Again, there are many steps involved:
At this point, you should have covered the basic image adjustments. Chances are that this will be enough for your purposes, though of course you can always do more:
Once you feel you are done editing, the last stage is publication, and exporting your image in a format that will fit the medium for which it is intended. There are three major steps:
Adobe Lightroom is the most popular post-processing tool today and is definitely worth the money. A solid free option would be Picasa.
And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me stairght.
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Thank you very much, it means a lot to me.
I would recommend Darktable as a free yet full-of-features alternative to Lightroom. Great piece of Software.
What about Capture NX-D Nikon’s software? Could it be an alternative to Lightroom?
What software do you recommend for these kinds of steps? What is an example of a simple, cheap program and an expensive, do it all program.